Friday, December 26, 2008
Am thankful also, that the drunk driver (ARGH! SCREW HIM!!!) got caught. As to what sentence, I'm not too sure. It better be a heavy sentence. He better come to the neuro ICU and have a good look at what he has done to an innocent life. He ought to feel guilty..
Well, I'm just hoping good things will happen, and will continue to happen. I'd rather he wakes up and rehab for 1 yr back to at least 75% of premorbid status than to stay like that... Of cuz medically we know that may be impossible, BUT, we shall see :)
Sad things aside, I'm still quite excited over a new inclusion in my life: a Lenovo s10 laptop!!! :)
(I lazy to take photos la :D)
After hunting for months and contemplating over a Kohjinsha laptop, Asus Eee PC and many other mini laptops, I finally decide to get this Lenovo S10 after getting my bonus (which is like peanuts?!), and I'm loving it! :)
Its not REALLY very small, but considerably small la (10" only :)!). I love how sleek it is and the best part, I got a free upgrade of RAM to 2.5GB and a free laptop bag! :D. The only thing now is, I REALLY NEED THE MICROSOFT OFFICE. Any kind souls? :).
Now I'm trying to back up my things in a little thumb drive of mine, and I think I'm really silly looking. Forget it, I shall hunt for a portable HD! :D
The only flaw about this laptop is the keyboard. Its already bigger compared to other mini laptops, but I have a problem typing the ! cuz I kept typing @ instead of ! :D. Haha. The mini laptop with one of the most impressive keyboards is HP mini, but wells I don't like the spects so nahh :D. Haha.
Okay I shall go to bed alr. My whole Christmas is ruined by a stupid shitty roster, so I really need my beauty sleep now! :D
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Today I just found out that David Ho, the doc who got crashed in the coach at Malaysia, is someone my friend knows.. How sudden eh?
Its like, today u see this person alive and kicking. He/She's probably having coffee with you, laughing and reminiscing over the past. Next thing you know, you receive news that this friend of you has passed away due to __________ (fill in the blanks).
For 3 times this month, I hear things like this happening to ppl around me.
I guess this really teaches us to be a better friend/family to people around us? Life can be so unpredictable isn't it? U never know what can happen to this person. For all u know, after this post I may meet a car accident and be in critical condition. (God forbids) I mean, you really will never know.
How scary. Its so difficult for a mother to conceive and gestate for 9months and squeeze like mad to make a baby. But on the contrary, it takes only ONE cause (RTA, cancer, etc) to contribute to the death of a person, in a split second.
Life is REALLY so unpredictable..
I thank God I'm still alive and kicking, still able to do whatever I like.
God, I pray for Your peace to be in all these 3 people whom I know, who've lost someone dear to them. May Your peace that surpass all understanding envelope them, and give them the strength they need to move on. Amen.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
So, I was being ticked at for being too childish. Grrr.
Feedback from the ground:
"Orh! She's that childish girl right!"
"Too kiddy."
"Too jumpy."
"Too giggly."
I made a face when she told me that I need to be more professional when I put on the uniform. In fact, I looked down and pout. I hope she didn't see it, though :D.
Aiya, I'm acting my age what. Nobody can deny the fact that I'm STILL, the youngest in my department. I'm not even 21! In fact, I just turned 20 today! (Happy birthday to me. HAHA.) I'm still full of zest and youth :D. Why must I act old? :(
There's a stark difference between professionalism and youth, in my opinion. Okay la, I admit sometimes I do jump around too much. But that's only sometimes ma... Not like I always jump around in front of my clients or their relatives -_-. I mean, I know when to do the right thing. Or at least I THINK I know.
Perhaps its my turn to reflect on myself. :D
Yes yes yes. PRRROOOOfesionalism okay.... Bahh!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Message book is like the forum of my workplace. Everything that u want to highlight to the department will be written in the message book. Messages will be passed down every shift to ensure EVERYONE knows what's the latest happenings.
Anyways something happened again and I was called up by my supervisor on my way home. Scared the poop outta my life. I'm almost certain my name is in the message book, and my supervisor's office will be my next place to go (again).
I warm up the seat in my supervisor's office before anyone sits on it....
WHY?! I don't understand why am I still making blunders like these u know. Initially I was "made famous" in the message book for documentation errors, fair enough. I've paid up my "fines", I've made ammendments and I've been quite careful.
THEN kena documentation error AGAIN. Corrective actions done. Got scolded bad bad by my own supervisor and another supervisor who chose to publicise my wrong deeds. Sighs. Have been diligently updating my supervisor with happenings in the department whenever she calls and wheverer she asked.
THEN things happen again today! I told her almost everything that happened except for this as I didn't think it was something I need to inform her. Turns out that its a "big issue" and I almost got myself into deep poop. Just thank God the results came back okay, but tmr I'll be receiving a big trashing from my supervisor...
Very demoralising can :(. I already don't know what is considered "important" and what is not now. I'm confused at the things I should tell my supervisor and the things I don't need to. Just because of this one incident, the things that I diligently told sister was perceived as redundant, and I was penalised for that.
Bug also wrong, don't bug also wrong. What am I supposed to do?! How long more will I stop making errors?!
I find that the more I want to prove myself capable and worthy, the more I make mistakes. What is happening???
Friday, November 28, 2008
Birthday apathy.
Been given a day off on that day, by God's grace. But somehow I do wish that I'm actually working.
No idea why, nv felt this way before, but I do wish that I'm working on that day or else I will just rot at home.. Don't feel like celebrating my birthday at all.. Sighs..
No, I'm not depressed over the fact that I'm stepping into the big 2, age doesn't matter to me (as of yet).
I just don't feel like celebrating at all.
Nevermind. Like every year, I will put up a wishlist (which will never be fulfilled eventually), so here goes (for custom sake :D):
1. Kohjinsha UMPC (of any model:))

2. DSLR Camera

3. Ipod (or any MP3 players with big screens!)

4. Bags and more bags!
Basically bags that are big enough to fit A4, can carry weight and can be slung on the shoulder :). Oversized clutches are awesome too:D But I welcome small girly bags for functions too. :)
(Can't find a picture of nice clothes. Rather, I'm lazy. HAHA)
Basically this is one that won't go wrong and its probably the cheapest of the lot :D.
Above-knee length dresses/sundresses, tank tops, skirts, cropped pants, jeans, heels, flats, etc etc. Anything nice! :) Ask me for size, don't be shy :D
(Seriously, just get me a sundress if u are broke and feel bad not to get me anything. HAHA. Less than 20bucks. Far East plaza, filthy cheap.)
The DO-NOT-GET list
1. Photoframes
2. Soft toys
3. Cups
4. Decorative items
5. CDs
6. Anything that I cannot use..
Okay, so if you feel that you may have some spare cash this month, u can always get me a gift from the above 5 options for my birthday. Otherwise, just sms me on my birthday, simply. I'm a no-fuss person. Alr not in the mood to celebrate, so whether there's a gift or not also doesn't matter :D. (Obviously, I will appreciate and love every gift la aiyo.)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Post night shift was Asia Conference week :). Totally awesome. Though physically tiring, but I never regretted going for it! Met a few other people who shared the same vision as I do. I think I can venture in this :).
God, I will need your direction in this...
Post Asia Conference was back to work, and a morning duty with audit (again). This time is yet ANOTHER audit on service quality. Was selected to answer questions. Not sure if I should be honoured that I was being selected by a senior management (according to my supervisor). Anw by the grace of God, we did very well. Anyhow hantam my answers and they say we did very well. Hehe :). Thank God!
Post audit went swimming with colleague at Mount Faber SAFRA. Finally got to see how nice that place with. The jacuzzi was really awesome for a long week of physically draining activities. Haha.
Post swimming, went to visit the Henderson's curve bridge. SOOO PRETTY. The view there is really nice. Immediately thought of the boys. Am so gonna get them to go there for their photoshoots!
Post.... post sight-seeing (?!) was Botak Jones session! Sinful treat after swimming :D. Been so long since I last ate Botak Jones!
Anyone ever know that u actually pour this on your fries to make it taste nicer? And I love the taste!! We added alot, eventually, cuz its SOOO nice. I love vinegar :).
Just random blogging about my life la. Cuz I think this blog is dying. HAHA :D
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Nope, not a condom. Its MOONCUP.
What's a mooncup?
Its a reusable menstrual cup....
Basically u shuff this thing up ur there and it collects the menstrual fluids. Just gotta remove it when its filling up and wash it then u can wear it back again to collect more fluids.. *gulps*
I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but its quite scary..
Read more about it at
Anw reading the feedbacks and reviews, it seem quite good.. But the thought of using it still puts me off. Any comments..?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Met up with the girls to go join the queues for the Crocs Sale. IT WAS REALLY SIAO. I tell you.
Headed to hall 4, and was already traumatized by the length of the queue! It extended ALL the way to hall 3 laa.. We queued for about 30-odd mins just to get in. Then the next shocker: The payment queue......
This was taken at the payment queue. Can u see how many rounds it went?! Chieh and I were saying it's like the alimentary canal of a human being. The queue is prolly as long as our intestines! Grrr!
The saddest part, due to the sizing of my feet, its extremely hard to find shoes at such a BIG sale. To make things worse, if you look closely at the photos, you'll see people carrying bags and bags of Crocs apparels and shoes, enough to last an entire BATALLION for a year :S. Meaning I'm basically left with nothing :S.
End up, I acted like one of the aunties, and managed to SNATCH (literally.. I don't think you want to be there to see how I snatched for it... :S) for a pair of size 7 Celeste Suede in Candy/Ruby!
Love it :).
Actually I was ogling at the pair that Vien got. The Celeste Canvas in White/Khaki. Its SUPER nice can! But too bad la, big feet :(.
My intention for going to this Crocs sale was actually to just get a pair of Prima ballet flats, Alice flats or Malindi flats in neutral and versatile colours like black, sliver, gold or the like. BUT sadly, Prima flats size 7 are left with hard to match colours like dark purple and dark aqua blue. Alice flats are worse -- only left with size NINE in dark aqua blue -_-. Malindi flats? Don't talk about it. Only KIDS size! >_<..! Grrr.
So basically I queued the entire day to get that pair of Celeste. Sighs. BUT for a whoooping cheap price of only $25! :) (Original is about 50-60 odd!) That's the happy part. Hehe. If not for the colours, I would have grabbed the Prima also. Only 15 bucks! :)
The best part is the catching up :). I really miss the girls ALLLOOOTT!!! :'(. It was a pity that Cor can't come :(. Sighs. But still, we had alot of fun laughing, talking about things at work. Its just so nice :). I can't wait for AL to come, then we can go TAIWAN together!!! Wheee!!!
Love you girls! XOXO ;). Hehe.

That's how much I'm being paid every month for slogging hard, skipping meals, losing sleep and endure mental torment for superiors sometimes.
GOD! I need a breakthrough in my finances!!
On a lighter note, ASIA CONFERENCE IS COMING (: But I'll have to work NIGHT SHIFT on the week of AC, and I will miss like half of the conference :'(. Sighs.... I felt like crying when I know that I had no tag cuz Yvonne thought I could make if for none of the sessions, when actually I can go on Fri :(. Just hope that I can squeeze myself into ONE of the electives on Fri :(. Just ONE (2 will be better!)!!
I'm so excited for Asia Conference, really. Am praying that it'll be a great one! Woohoo!
Cg ytd revealed what I've been fearing for the past one week. I felt that it was coming, but I was hoping hard that it won't.. I almost cried on Fri when Yvonne announced it.. I told the members to welcome the new change, if need be, but deep down, I know its hard to change... :(. Sighs..
2008 is truly a year of changes and transitions for me.. I just hope it'll end well..
Friday, November 14, 2008
Here I am!
Due to this blog being so public, and since I've gotten myself into trouble with my previous blog, I don't really dare to reveal my occupation in this blog. So I've set up many blogs elsewhere where I blog my work happenings, my private thoughts, etc. So much so that I neglected this blog! Sorry cincinnati :(.
So here I am, blogging once again :)! Welcome back!
Back to the blogging proper, I've finally recover from my cold! :) Thank God! Finally got back my voice and CAN FINALLY HIT THE KTV! :) My goodness. Was SO crippled by the lost of voice and the cough from the cold!
Rather interestingly, from this cold, I then found out that I've got a trademark laughter -_-.
I was on the phone with one of the clients' family members. Although I introduced myself, but probably due to the fact that I was speaking too fast, she didn't catch my name. Later on in the convo, I laughed at something she said, and she went, "are you the one that I always speak to?" I went, "ermm, I think I am? Haha. Why?" And she went:
"I couldn't recognise u at first cuz your voice was so bad. But when you laughed, I immediately can recognise it. Your laughter very cute."
I burst out laughing can! That was so funny. I have never heard such comment about my laughter before. I took that as a compliment :). Hahah :D. At least I've developed this trademark laughter of mine over the years :D. Keke.
Oh wells :D.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Occupational hazards

Sustained this from work from my client.
Considering the fact that I've been bitten, whacked and kicked before, such grab marks and scratch marks are considered mild.
Now Mr/Miss >.<, do you understand why we call these people "Monkey"?
Obviously its against my will to degrade these individuals to animals, but due to them being mentally incapacitated, they tend to do things like THESE to us. Obviously, I don't bear any grudge cuz they probably didn't even know they did those things. But please allow us to at least vent some frustrations on what I call a personal space of mine ;)
These are only the physical aspects.. I have not counted in those emotional hazards!
That's why, I shall from now on call ourselves, SUPERWOMEN :).
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Morning prayer mtg :)
I'm just so glad that I went for it. Its simply AWESOME!
There were SOO many people, that we had to wait like 10mins just to take the lift (there were only 2 pathetic lifts!!) up to Heart of God church for the PM.
So needless to say, we were a little late. BUT. We got seats on the 2nd row in the MIDDLE! Its been so long since I last saw Pst Tan SO upclose :D.
That aside, the presence was just aweseome. Like what the bible says, when two or three are gathered in His name, there He'll be in our midst. There's definitely more than 2 or 3s in the place, praying and interceeding, I guess God have no choice not to come! :)
I went for PM mainly for 2 things, breakthrough in my own life and cg multiplication!
As I was praying for cg, I was led to this verse:
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified."
Romans 8:28-30
Just the day before, Yvonne asked me after I told her Adam may have to leave Sg to study overseas, "Cin, we're called right? What is happening?"
I couldn't answer her. Were we really called? If we are, why is our attendance fluctuating like that? And people are leaving for overseas.. What's missing?
I was unsure about the calling part. But I just felt that we need to pray. Suddenly I realised that we haven't been praying alot. So I told her that we need to hold a PM. And I also decide that this week, I should go down for morning prayer meet as much as I can.
Just the first morning and God confirmed it! Yes, we're indeed CALLED to his purpose! And the best part, all things are gonna work! :) I'm really believing for cg multiplication soon! :) Go go go N262!!!
As for personal life, Yvonne smsed me a verse the moment I found a seat in the place:
"Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us."
Romans 8:37
I already felt strength welling up as I read that :). Then as I prayed, I just felt fresh new anointing once again. And it was this very de javu experience. I was redirected to when I first made the decision to be serious for God back in Hollywood days. And many flashbacks came. Then God spoke, "Redirect your focus to me. Serve me with the kind of faith that you had back then."
I realised I've been drifting away by doing things in MY way rather in God's way. Yes, the things I do may be "politically right", but may not be GODLY right. God is just so good. Even when I was faithless, He remained faithful :). Yes, I'm SOO gonna redirect my focus on God once again. I'm a little worried that I'm unable to do it cuz of my job, but I'm still gonna try my best and try God's best ;).
Looking forward to the rest of the week! :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
A SMS of concern to a member who wasn't doing well was perceived as a threat. I was being blasted by his uncle VERY badly. I wasn't even given a chance to speak up for "we have to be submissive to elders." Well I do not deny the fact that he's a lil' flaky... But sighs.. What have I done?
I took what he said a lil' too seriously. I thought hard, am I really not fit to be a leader like what he said? Not only about what he said, on the other hand I was still very concern over my member cuz I wasn't given a chance to even speak to him AT ALL. I don't even know what happened to him. Later on I got a lil' disappointed by him for doing what he did..
I was so crushed, my tap just kept running and running. I can't even attend prayer mtg in peace. Was so tied down by that whole incident that I just stepped out, went to the toilet and cried my hearts out..
Then God reminded me of this verse:
"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
Psalm 34:18 (NIV)
This was a verse that He used to encourage me when I was sec 2, when things are simply not going in the way I expected it to be. And in the same way, God comforted me with this verse yesterday :).
Well, I took the verse and tried to remind myself abt His goodness. But the words of my member's uncle kept "haunting" me, and I simply can't help but to keep crying. Then God moved in the way of people :).
He sent my beloved boys who came and were showed so much concern :). Tim put his hands around my shoulders and told me its okay. Then JY tapped on his shoulders, offering it for me to cry on. And Dennis went, "Who bully you? *cracks knuckles* I'm gonna scold them for you!". I felt so loved to know that my boys cared for me so much :). Yvonne also gave me a hug and encouraged me, saying, "If they reject your church, they'll reject you. Stay strong." Even Johnson asked how was I. Really felt nice to know people are concerned :).
During worship, the words came back again somehow, and I can't help but to cry again (my tap is loose man -_-). Then God spoke, "this is how it's gonna be. Are you up for the call?" It was so painful. But I told God, "I'll do it as long as u're with me and as long as this is your calling for me." Then I felt the peace of God, and the rest of the day was simply pleasant and fun :).
Ahh, God is good isn't it? :). I just love God.
I just pray right now that my member is okay. Heard from his bro that he's home and asleep. Aye. Pray, pray..
I told my sister about what happened this morning, my sis was like, "he can use his uncle, tell him, you can use your sister!" and my sister was like scolding the whole morning, feeling injustice for me. Hahaha. Super cute. But anw I told her I'll handle it myself. Just thank God for her concern. :)
Really thankful that I've got so many people around me who're concerned over my well-being. Cuz of my job and my role in church, I'm always the one who's bothered over the lives of people. Suddenly this surge of people being so concerned abt ME, a bit not used to it :D. But I'm enjoying every bit of it, and I really thank God for it man :).
Of cuz, through this incidence, I also learnt to mind my words. I mean although after telling a few people and they felt that I didn't mean any threat, but I feel that as long as one person perceive it this way, it probably meant that I have to rephrase my words in future. As to how, I don't know. God's wisdom and knowledge! :)
GOD IS GOOD!!! :) :)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Busy busy week (:
Anw good news is, audit is OVER, and I wasn't audited. PTL! :). It was supposed to be auditing MY case, but eventually the auditors asked for yet another case to be audited, so my colleague went. But whatever it is, we passed the audit! Really thank God la, been praying hard for us to pass. If not our hard work all go down the drain man!
So post audit was...
1. Cell group :)
2. D&D :)
3. Post D&D partying! Woohoo! Rocks!
4. Church for svc after D&D and post D&D party. But svc was awesome enough to keep me awake!
5. Start of a sleepy night shift, chasing all the monkeys up and down. Aye.
Doesn't really looked busy, but I was really occupied :D. But I love to spend my time with things to do. I believe we have only one life to live, I nv really liked the idea of staying at home for too long :).
But of cuz, that left me rather physically drained, esp on Sun. But I love this:
"Whom have I in heaven but You?
And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You.
My flesh and my heart fail;
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
Psalm 73:25-26
Jiayou Cincinnati! 3 more nights to go! (And one more round of 4 night shifts 1 week later. Grrr.) God is the strength! :)
On a lighter note, Asia conference is coming!!! :)
So exciting! Whee :)
(You know, I really dunno what I'm blogging anymore. Post night-shift "hangover". Haha =x)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Coffee Drinking May Help Protect Against Type 2 Diabetes
"Increasing coffee intake was inversely associated with risk of type 2 diabetes in populations of European descent; however, data from high-risk Asian populations are lacking as are data on tea intake in general," write Andrew O. Odegaard, from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, and colleagues. "We investigated the prospective associations between intakes of coffee, black tea, and green tea with the risk of type 2 diabetes in Singaporean Chinese men and women."
The study cohort, from the Singapore Chinese Health Study, consisted of 36,908 men and women aged 45 to 74 years between 1993 and 1998, who underwent evaluation of multiple diet and lifestyle measures and who were then followed up between 1999 and 2004. To examine the association of baseline coffee and tea intakes with incident type 2 diabetes during follow-up, the investigators used Cox regression models, with adjustment for several possible confounding or mediating variables.
Compared with participants who reported not drinking coffee daily, those who reported drinking 4 or more cups of coffee daily had a 30% reduction in the risk for diabetes (relative risk [RR], 0.70; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.53 - 0.93). Compared with participants who reported not drinking black tea daily, those who reported drinking 1 or more cups of black tea daily had a suggestive 14% reduction in the risk for diabetes (RR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.74 - 1.00). There was no apparent association with green tea.
"Regular consumption of coffee and potentially black tea, but not green tea, is associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes in Asian men and women in Singapore," the study authors write.
Limitations of this study include potential misclassification of the exposures because of poor self-report, biases, and other errors; possible residual confounding; and results for black and green tea consumption applying only to a smaller range of intake vs coffee.
"The associations we observed are noteworthy because they provide evidence that the coffee findings in other prospective cohort studies are not likely artifacts of the reported dietary patterns, nor are they likely to be explained by residual confounding," the study authors conclude. "Given the high consumption of coffee and tea worldwide and the growing type 2 diabetes epidemic, especially in Asia, these findings convey a potential high significance for public health. However, it is too early to recommend increasing coffee and tea consumption until there is more thorough data from clinical trials related to the topic, with respect to not only the possible benefits but possible side effects or harm as well."
The National Cancer Institute supported this study. The study authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Source from: Medscape Medical News, "Coffee Drinking May Help Protect Against Type 2 Diabetes", Oct 9, 2008
Comment #1: As opposed to a blog entry posted in my old blog about an article I read about in of this case study whereby this man had an AF due to overcomsumption of coffee (and other factors), this is really pretty interesting and quite shocking to me, in fact. I've cut down on my coffee intake as a result of the previous article (from about 3-4 daily to now 1-2 daily). Best part, 1-4 cups! 4 cups is alot!
Anw the case study I read about was on a Caucasian, so maybe that marks the difference?
Comment #2: I thought green tea will be THAT factor that will reduce the risk of DM more directly. Interestingly, it's the complete opposite!
Comment #3: This is from a rather reliable source, and the research was done on SINGAPOREANS. So, it should work? *raises eyebrows*
Comment #4: I'm rather interested to know the effect coffee has on the pancreas or any part of the body that led to its reduced risk for DM. Quite cool huh?
I think I just gave Yvonne more reason to drink coffee. Aye!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Have been feeling this burden, this big fat stress that's weighing me down. This weight that's crushing my hopes, my dreams, my joy and everything nice.
I've been totally stressed out by all that's happening in my workplace and all. Seriously, even on leave, I'm receiving emails upon emails about the changes that are happening in my workplace DAILY. I can't believe how much my workplace has changed just over the span of mere 2 weeks.
The fact is that Monday I'll have to return to this workplace of mine with a brand new routine to start with, and many new things that has changed over the 2 weeks.
Returned to my workplace on Wed to be horrified by how everyone is rushing to get things done cuz of the change of routine. Something that was usually being done at 1pm is now being done at 3pm. Its 2 hours late! Everyone is trying to catch up.
So on Monday, I have to deal with the new routine, PLUS the audit. And this week, I still have to read up on all the policies that has been changing again and again. Can u imagine, 1 policy can have like 3 changes in 2 weeks alone -_- And I was totally unaware. I hate the feeling of not being in control.
Met up with LBB on Thurs, am totally glad that at least we have ONE person who can understand what we're going through. Really need more of such sympathetic people around. I think we'll have a better working life..
I feel, unless u come to take a look at how we work, you will never understand how much we go through, cuz to everyone, my occupation is so menial. But if you really work in MY workplace, you will understand why we're making a big fuss. Its not just dealing with clients and their family, but its dealing with the SUPERVISORS and the top top TOP people :(.
Yes, you can say in every job its like that. But ever been in such a state whereby everyday you have to stay back, but you don't have the right to ask for OT pay. Even paying back of hours, no, no rights. You do things that are not within your job description, YET you still have to do, cuz the supervisor says so. Before confirmation, probation was constantly used as a threat to make us work. After confirmation, counselling and appraisals were constantly used as threats to make us work. Every single day so long as supervisors are on duty, you get to drink some verbal coffee in her office. Morale? Since when this thing ever exist in my occupation?
As if work stress is not enough, I still have to deal with my boys who are having O levels, and the numbers that never seem to be growing. Plus upcoming outreach events, planning for more more MORE.
I really can't cope anymore. And I'm ON LEAVE. I can't imagine when I start work. I think at this rate I move on, I'll be choked by all these stressors soon.
Heard of "chronic fatigue symptom"?
Today during cg, Estelle shared about Joshua and how God always encourages him to be strong and courageous. I felt blessed by the word, really. But I'm not sure how long more can I be strong and courageous. Battery flat alr la :(
God, help me to fight the good fight of faith!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Suddenly I remember, oh ya, audit is coming. Lemme just be a good girl and read through the updates, at least when I return to work, I can answer questions when my supervisor ask me.
I was still in the happy dreamland of mine, until I stretch out and got my hands on my roster, and man. I've never felt so horrified before.
After 2 weeks of leave, my first day of work will be AUDIT DAY.
And I'm scheduled to work a PM shift, and the auditors are coming in the AFTERNOON.
Hur. Hur hur.
I don't know how I'm gonna die.
I stared hard at that thick stack of notes, policies, updates and random nonsense that was left unread since the start of my AL, I've never felt as exasperated before in my entire life.
Today I caught up with the dearest poly girlfriend of mine, WC (:D) at Suki Sushi. Enjoyed a scrumptious (is there such a word? But this word looks yummy to me) sushi buffet, and window shopped for my D&D dress. Had lots of fun, laughter and everything nice just by meeting her up. Held her hands and walked around just like how we did during poly days. Man, I really miss school days man :(.
After we parted, I attempted to avoid the reality, but this devilish voice went, "AUDIT is coming. AUDIT is coming. AUDIT is coming..." and I have no choice but to whipppp out the thick stack of notes that I psycho-ed myself to bring out, and studied studiously in the train like some nerd. AHHH!
I better be able to answer all the questions. How about, audit better hurry end, so that this nightmare can end too!
*Clasps hands together*
Lord, I pray that the auditors will...
- Step on a banana skin and fall.
- Ate something wrong and get gastroenteritis.
- Met with some car accident and have to settle all the nonsense so can't come.
- Got up from the wrong side of bed and get a bad neck.
- Met Doraemon on the way and somehow disappear into Jurassic times.
- Accidentally made their way to the wrong workplace.
- Accidentally drive into the bermuda triangle.
- Saw great singapore sale selling LV/prada for 10bucks and decide to shop instead!
- Met fairy godmother and turn them into a mouse.
- Decide that "its enough!" and tender resignation.
- or.. or...
God, forgive me for being evil :(.
ARGH! See, its driving me CRAZY!! >_<..!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Count your blessings :)
When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost;
Count your many blessings - name them one by one.
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.
Nice :).
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Busy-ness of life.
Firstly, its been quite an occupied week. I went out again ytd!
Went to watch Mama Mia with Yan and chicKEN (:D). It was SOOO awesome! Not only was the company awesome, the show is WONDERFUL!!! I've always loved watching musical movies (if there's such a genre)! And this is simply great. I love the songs, love the dance, love the humour, love the story, love everything!!
The only glitch was that towards the end of the show the projector or whatever that is screwed up, and it ended abruptly. After some jeering, it came back again. But the show was too captivating that nobody bothered about the glitch anymore. Haha :D
Rushed to Clarke Quay, caught up with "Jack" again ytd, and this time she brought along 2 other friends, and we went to visit The Clinic at Clarke Quay, after hearing so much about it :)
We ordered the signature drinks, namely Nurses' X party and Sex on a drip. Just a mixture of vodka and some random fruit concoctions.
Nurses' X party. Served in 6 syringes in a bucket of ice, like this:
Yepps. Felt pretty cheated cuz they only filled 30mls of the 50mls syringe. Argh. Should fill it to the max!
Sex on a drip. Looks quite mucky in green but its actually a very sweet drink. Haha.
And I was quite horrified to see that its serve in a REAL drip set. I was expecting some special drip set that is specially made for the pub for drinking purpose (Think camelbak). But anw, was quite an experience.
That 2 drinks cost us a whooooping $107.00 (50bucks per drink, plus GST). But for the ambience and the fun of it, its, er, worth it (I suppose). But once is enough. And next time I'll be smarter to order something cheaper, like beer.
Alright, busy-ness part 2. Here goes.
Ytd I was talking to LBB, and he totally irked me to the core (sorry LBB, didn't tell u that :D. But u got me thinking!!) by his "I don't like to keep rushing.." thing. I was quite irritated by it actually, cuz I thought he was prolly going through some prematured mid-life crisis...
But anw, funnily, after the convo with him ytd, today was a day that I rushed like mad. I went to my workplace to settle some documents, then went home, and rushed to swim before it rained, and rushed my swimming session as I'm supposed to meet Mantoonmee at PS for dinner, then rushed to shower, rushed to MRT station, rushed to PS.....
So I was walking at TOP speed at Dhoby Ghaut MRT station, I just went, ARGH. I really hate to rush. Then I thought back to LBB's I-don't-like-to-rush thingy, and then I felt God saying, "Isn't this what makes ur life exciting?" (God is quite cool eh? :D)
I looked back in life, I realised truly, I've been rushing all my life doing things. Alright, I admit there're just times when I wished that I don't have to rush. But then again, the fact that I have to rush actually do mean that I have things to do. I'm occupied. And I'm definitely making the best out of the little time that God has placed in my hands.
So on the escalator, I suddenly felt this joy and contentment. Yes, rushing can be such a chore sometimes. It sends all the adrenaline pumping, u start having palpitations, flushing and all the sympathetic responses. (Alright, I'm kinda exaggerating.) But looking at it in another point of view, I shall learn to see this as a blessing because God has given me friends, work, church, and a whole lot of worthwhile things to rush for. (Even if it means rushing to meet my supervisor to get a scolding, still, it goes to show, er, my supervisor cares enough to scold me! HAHA :D)
Food for thought eh? :) At least for me, it is!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Gift of God :)
Ecclesiastes 5:19 (NKJV)
"And it is a good thing to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life—this is indeed a gift from God. "
Ecclesiastes 5:19 (NLT)
Lets receive from God!! :)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Eventful week.
I don't wish to input too much, its too personal. More can be read from my private blog, which, is not opened to anyone (yet), as of now. Haha.
In a nutshell, basically the eventful things are from:
- Work.
- Relationship which turned sour. (sighs)
- Cg.
- Friends' problems (which I'm glad to be of help :))
- Layy being away throughout my whole AL :(. Sighs. And I only realised when she left!! Sobs.
- AL! :) Its AFS man!
- Outing with my "Jack" (its a she, btw. She's happily attached anw! :D)
- Many outings with Mantoonmee, and having alot of fun :):)
- A more bonded cg tt's more concerned with friends. Amen :).
- Encouragements from God!
- Outing with the pastamania gang (Photos to be up when I get it from Jo :))
- Ogling at my soon-to-get Kohjinsha laptop. Hehe :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Philippians 4:6-7
Philppians 4:6-7 (NKJV)
Christians, found this verse familiar? This is a verse that accompanied me through many examinations and many wind wind rain rain (风风雨雨) :D. I literally grew up with this verse, after John 3:16 :)
I was thinking of a verse to bless this special group of people in my life (cannot say which group! Or else my intended "surprise" is gone!) Its been bugging my mind for the past few weeks already. I've got the gift, just need the verse!
So today I typed "Peace of mind" in, and I was led to verse 7. I read and I was like, okay. Familiar verse. So I keyed in "The Message" bible version, and this came out:
"Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."
Philippians 4:6-7 (The Message)
I was like, WOW! This is such a familiar verse to us all, but look at the way its being rephrased in the Message bible :)
I felt peaceful already, just by reading that. Hehe :)
God is awesome. My God IS very very awesome! Amen :).
If God is a human, I'll jump on Him and give Him a tight squeeze now :).
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Alternative headache therapies

"This fragrant ointment is typically used to treat sore muscles. In a randomized trial of adult headache sufferers, applying the ointment to neck muscles helped relieve headache more effectively than placebo ointment; it worked about as well as acetaminophen to relieve tension headache pain. It is very safe but should not be used in or near the eyes (it stings). "
"Learning self-hypnosis or guided imagery relaxation skills is very effective in preventing migraine headaches. In fact, one study suggested that hypnosis is more effective than taking beta-blocking medications in preventing migraine headaches. Healthcare providers can learn to provide hypnosis training themselves through workshops sponsored by the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis or the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. Clinicians may also refer patients to psychologists, social workers, or other health professionals skilled in teaching these techniques. "
Autogenic Training.
"Autogenic training is a self-hypnosis technique developed by the German psychiatrist Johannes Schultz in 1932. The training consists of learning to repeat a set series of phrases such as: "My arms and hands are heavy and warm; my legs are heavy and warm; my heartbeat is calm and regular; my forehead is cool; my breathing is easy." Typically, each phrase is slowly repeated 3 times before going to the next phrase. Deceptively simple, this practice has proven effective in reducing the frequency and severity of migraine headaches. Ancillary benefits include improvements in mood, cognitive function, and quality of life. "
Monday, September 29, 2008
Night duties..
PTL, I've completed yet another round of 3 night duties!! Phew :D.
As my workplace is undergoing renovation, its really very taxing for the past 3 nights. Every night the layout of my workplace is different. My last night I had to walk up and down as the middle section is undergoing renovation -_-. Grrr.
Thank God, it's been quite an uneventful night shift :). Its, in fact, very free. Due to the renovation works, we're rather limited, so can't do much. Basically, I finished most of my routine 1hour before time. We were so bored that we kept eating. Even ordered Macs :D. Hehe :). Really gotta munch to keep ourselves awake man.
Oh wells.
Enough of boring work happenings.
I'm rather appalled by how man (alright, I shall not generalise, but if u think u fit into this category, please do something about it) works. Have been having enough of men intriguing me like that. Hahaha.
Example 1: "Lets meet up soon alright?"
Then when I initiated the meetup.....
"Not free."
"Gotta work early tmr."
"Tired from work."
I never realised how much of a pest that is. I was once like that. I shall never be someone like that anymore.
If you can't meet me, just say you're busy for now. Don't try to make me happy by saying, "we gotta meet up soon!" so excitedly and the soon never come.
Example 2: When something happens, he wants to appease the person (alright, I'm THAT person -_-).
Told another friend.
Another friend have to come and tell me that he wants to meet.
Waited, no calls, no sms, no apologies.
Suddenly morning, my friend told me that he told me to join them for breakfast.
Tagged along.
Sat at back seat like a complete stranger.
By then I was too angry to enjoy breakfast even. Sulked the entire breakfast, went home and slept.
Example 3: The Girlfriend Law.
Previously lots of fun hanging out.
Then suddenly with the addition of girlfriend, things change.
I've got no qualms about that. I wouldn't like my boyfriend to hang out with other girls all the time also (no, I'm not possessive.).
BUT. You don't SUDDENLY:
Disappear into thin air
Act very coldly with no rhyme or reason
or keep pushing me away without telling me why.
If your girlfriend is not happy with you hanging out with me, just tell me. I'm not an unreasonable person please.
Anyways I'm not the type of person who will want ur undivided attention when I know you're attached. But in my opinion, it doesn't mean that being attached means u gotta cut off ties with other people of opposite gender. Can't we meet up for a cuppa coffee to catch up?!
That's but only part one of the GF law.
Part 2 --> When girlfriend got angry and nasty, or things are on the verge of turning ugly, you SUDDENLY resurface after some time of magical disappearing act. Excuse me, I'm not some counselling machine that you can find anywhere along the streets.
Part 3 --> I was nice to want to help, so I did. And there was a happy ending to your relationship. THEN here comes the magical disappearing act again.
*Shakes head in disbelief*
I wonder what's in the mind of MAN. Anyways the above mentioned examples are all on different people. Not just one okay!
Alright, enough of venting frustrations. I think I can have a good sleep tonight :)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Actually I was called into supervisors' room. I thought I'll get scolded as something bad happened the night before. Thank God it was just my appraisal.
And after my appraisal, I've decided, I MUST CUT DOWN ON MY SINGLISH!! >_<..!
The minus point of staying in Singapore, you tend to la, leh, lor, hor etc alot.
I should have learnt from BREASTFRIEND long ago to cut down. Now I must wait for a C grade appraisal before I decide. Like a bit late la. (Oh crap! I just la-ed!)
So, I permit everyone of you to give me a tight slap (please be gentle..) if you hear me using any of those. I gotta cut down! At least cut down enough that people will not comment to my supervisor that I'm not professional. Sighs.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Seriously last night I couldn't sleep the entire night cuz of everything that happened (not just the feedbacks). Hardly caught a wink, and before I knew it, it was time to get up for work.
So on my way to work I kept praying for strength and joy, that I'll be less demoralised by everything that happened. The Lord showed my Psalm 71. I mean many parts apply to me alot, (except the gray-headed part! :D), and I felt so encouraged :)
And I was all ready to work (though I was still physically sleepy)!
So the day went on well, and it was almost time for handover when my supervisor came and said that she wants to speak to all of us, and will be asking questions regarding the audit (again!). She even asked me to stay back to do cleaning despite telling her I had to go church. Grrr..
But anw, she started asking questions. Then I realised she's asking from a set of notes that one of my seniors emailed to me 2 days ago and I read everything through so I know the answers ;). So when she asked, I could answer everything properly. She was quite pleased with me eventually, so she let me go off without doing cleaning! :). Ptl :)
So yepps, managed to rush in time for svc. Then fellowship at MS Xin Wang, then home.
I'm seriously tired now, but testimonies are meant to be shared, so I came online to tell about God's goodness! Hehe :).
Lord pls pass me pass me PASS MY PROBATION!! :S
Was being asked into my supervisor's office for a talk. I was given my feedback regarding my probation as its coming to an end. She said:
- My probation may be extended.
- The feedback abt me from the ground is not good.
- I didn't help around and I was only doing my own work.
- I'm defensive, the way I speak portray the image of me being defensive.
- I'm only "okay." when asked around about my performance.
- I'm too giggly and not professional.
I tell you, apart from the last feedback which was quite true, I was very taken aback by the comment. So taken aback, that when she asked, "do you have anything to say?", I couldn't answer her at all. I was flabbergasted by that surge of bad feedbacks..
Eventually I mustered my strength and told her how I felt and all, I couldn't take it and I cried. I guess (I hope) she realised I've been trying really hard alr cuz its not the first time I'm being called in to talk. She just patted me on my shoulder and asked me don't cry, that she was just kidding abt the extending of probation and asked me to go back to work.
Firstly, nobody has ever feedback to me that I never helped. In fact, I DO help, for nuts! When my side is lighter, I do junior work also! Unless I'm really busy, if not I'll help one lor... I feel that if u think I don't help you, u come and tell me straight. Why must u escalate to the supervisor level? And the best part, when my probation is coming to an end.. Why must u jeopardize my probation like that?
Secondly, I've already toned down on my defensive nature. Learnt it the hard way, very very hard way. People who knew me would have known how many moments I cried just because of the kind of trouble I get from being defensive. Seems like ytd I accidentally said something that upset my another supervisor, plus another day when I tried to clarify a certain issue to a senior staff and she got upset, and now I'm being deemed, "defensive".
Thirdly, I didn't know "okay" is a bad feedback. Sighs...
I tell you, for the whole shift I couldn't work. Somemore I was being turned down by a colleague (whom I've been trying to get to know as a friend) when I asked him out to visit a client. First an outright embarrassment, then an outright disappointment...
God, why did such thing happen to me? Am I THAT lousy? I know I'm not there yet, but is my interpersonal skills THAT bad? I really couldn't believe it.
I'm only glad that somehow somewhat I've got people around to hear me out. My seniors were there to assure me that I'm not that bad. I guess that's enough. Now most importantly is that I want to pass my probation.... I really don't want to fail. Sighs...
Gather my strength and return to work.
I really wish I could remove that mask of mine and display who I really am. Why must I be the someone whom I'm not? I love to smile. But now my smiles are getting more and more fake by the day...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Jason Mraz ft' Colbie Caillat
Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
Hooked on this song. Though everyone who knows me will know I don't believe in luck (but sometimes I can be a bit "over" when it comes to workplace superstitions :D), but still, I love this song. And I felt a teeny weeny bit of "lucky", to know that I have good friends in my workplace despite the ugliness of them all :).
I love all of you!!
Photos from ytd. :)
Sister after her haircut. Hehe :)
That's all for today!
December babies
She asked, "hey Cincinnati, are u a December baby?"
I was, of cuz, surprised. I don't know her really well at all, how did she know my birthday? But I replied, "yepps! How did u know?"
So she went, "Oh cuz E (her instructor) commented that I'm very vocal, just like you. So I told her, 'of cuz! December babies are all vocal!', so I thought I'll ask u."
And the best part, we compared how we used to be like and how we are now, I spotted much resemblence!! :).
Due to our outspoken nature, we were very loud and noisy, especially when we were younger. But we mellowed down when we became older. And also because of that nature in us, we tend to force people to do things that we like so that we can be happy. I was like that in the past, just like her! But we both mellowed down when we grew up.
I find it quite interesting. I never quite knew that of December babies!
Then I thought through, its quite true. Like so far most of the December babies I know are quite vocal to a certain extent. Is it really true? Sets me thinking.. :).
Anw. Today I took some left over laxatives (don't ask me why I took them). And I realise it didn't work on me. Hmm. My tummy is gone case alr la.
I'm supposed to post photos of what I did ytd during my day off with my beloved Mantoonmee, but I'm quite lazy to do that now. Maybe another day. But the jeeze of it all:
- Lunch from 1.30pm to 2.30pm
- KBox from 2.30pm to 6.15pm.
- KFC from 6.25pm to 6.40pm.
- "Money Not Enough II" from 6.45pm to 9pm.
- Camwhoring on the train till home :).
I love my Mantoonmee. Hehe. And I worked with her today! So fun :D. Laugh and laugh. Gossip about S, gossip about LY. HAHAHA. So fun :).
Thursday, September 11, 2008
To be a WOMAN.
Few days ago I was peeing in my house toilet bowl (like duh). As usual I just put down the toilet seat. Actually I didn't have that habit until recent years. I can't quite understand why I need a toilet seat now despite the fact that obviously, my butt has definitely grew bigger over the years. Must be the influence of my sis la.
But ANYWAYS, that's besides the point.
So I was peeing and I came out without putting the lid back up. Mom went in, saw it and she screamed....
"Use finish also nv put up toilet seat. Next time how to live with your husband?!"
Sighs. What on earth is that man!?
Stupid la. Next time my house I'll put a URINAL. Bleah. No toilet seats issues.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Physically drained, mentally joyful
Was working afternoon shift ytd, and was told that audit will be today! My gosh. I thought audit was Friday!
I panicked like mad. So last night, after a LONG afternoon shift (and got into a whole lot of laughter running in the rain and running after the bus that I nv get on, eventually..), I stayed up till 2am to study my policies and woke up early at 4.30am to prep for a new morning shift today..
And thankfully, THE AUDIT DIDN'T COME AGAIN :D!!!
Don't know to thank God or not, but somehow, I nv quite get to be audited! :D. They kept saying that the auditors are coming coming, even had a time (1pm), but eventually they didn't come during my shift :). Hehe. Thank God :D.
But that also meant that I wasted my energy last night! Grrr.
And after work today I still met up with the boys to settle some stuffs for cg. I just got home not long ago after settling the things + shopping. HAHA. I nv knew the boys are so nice to shop with, esp T :D. Not bad not bad :).
So, I'm gonna turn in early tonight! My body is giving way alr. I don't want to get myself into unnecessary health problems caused by fatigue!
The only thing I'm happy about is that at least I know I'm spending my time productively, doing important things :). That's why I say, physically drained, but mentally joyful :).
Truly, the spirit is always willing but the flesh will always be weak. God, give me strength! :)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Making the wrong move..
Pst was sharing about Peter walking on water and sank, and Jesus asked, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?"
Very often we perceive that statement as Peter not having enough faith in Jesus tt's why he sank. But after Pst shared about the educational status of the Jews in the past, we finally realised that Jesus was asking Peter, why didn't he have faith in HIMSELF.
Jesus chose the 12 disciples cuz he had faith in them that these people will be the ones who will spread his yolk. Peter knows! Its more of him in a state of unbelief. "Am I up to it?"
That sounded so familiar. I realised I've been saying this to my superiors many times when they asked me to do things. "Huh! Cannot la.." I will often blurt that out without thinking.
Even for the presentation that ended on Wed. I've been whining and say, "Huh, cannot la. Please..." But still, thank God for His strength, I went ahead, and in fact, I shared about "why and why not?" (quite an irony eh?), and many said I did very well for my presentation. In fact my superior had wanted me to head for yet another presentation but due to time constraint, it was called off.
I realise very often we deem ourselves as inadequate even before we do anything. Like what I shared during our presentation, cuz we are afraid that we will make the wrong move. "What if I make a blunder?" "What if I can't do it?" "I'm not up to it.."
Today I managed to catch up with a friend whom I haven't met for months. He was telling me about friends of his batch getting married. And he was apprehensive about marriage cuz his relationship seems stagnant. Turns out that he felt that its kinda a standstill, he wanted to let go, but the girl didn't want to cuz they've been together for too long (7yrs!). So they've been carrying on this whole thing.
So I just told him, since he wants to carry on then get married la. Both are of age, both are together for 7 yrs, what's the problem now? He said, "I don't want to make the wrong move la. Its a big decision you know."
So, if being afraid to make the wrong move is hindering you from moving on, then u should really consider ur move isn't it? Are u not having enough faith in this relationship that's why u're worried that u'll make the wrong move?
It sets me thinking the entire day about this this fear of "making the wrong move".
After today's message, now, to me, I thank God for God, I know that God has all his plans ready for me (Jer 29:11). Everything that could happen will have a reason, whether good or bad. I know ultimately its for a better future :) He has all the faith in me! So I hand everything to Daddy to settle. For my part, I will make a decision to CHIONG AR! Gotta learn to have more faith in myself man. Its a weak point that I need to overcome. My own sense of inadequacy.
My chains are gone, I've been set free!
My Lord my saviour has ransomed me.
And like a flood, His mercy reigns.
Unending love, amazing grace! (AMEN!)
No food and drink!
Today was so busy!
I didn't quite expect a Saturday afternoon shift to be this busy. Seriously I have no idea what I was really busy with. I guess on a Sat where everyone is not around, I spend more time looking for people on the phone to inform and running up and down, executing orders caused by all the abnormalities.
Ever since I really started working after my training, I've already learnt how to work better. Every afternoon shift, no matter how busy, I'll some how have time to eat. I guess timing wise all the work came at the wrong time today. Grr..
The sudden surge of workload left me running around, panicking like a headless chicken.
I hope this will not happen again! And mind you, its a Saturday! I expected more rest on a Sat okay. This reflects badly on me la :(.
I speculate at this rate I carry on, I may just develop some gastrointestinal disorders. I should go see a doctor and get a steady supply of Omeprazoles or Famotidine as a preventive measure to protect my stomach eh?
The best preventive measure right now, SLEEP. :)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Beee Baaa Booo
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen...."
Best part: CEO didn't turn up. Hehe :D.
The who's whos were still around, but at least the CEO wasn't there to bombard us with a whole load of questions.
So without the CEO, there was like only 2 questions! And a very nice, encouraging comment :)
Honestly speaking, my legs were trembling when I speak though I sounded machiam I'm very well prepared. My gosh. The crowd was much bigger than I expected, but really thanks to the girls who came down to show their support. I was looking at them throughout my whole presentation can. Just for "visual" support :D.
Thank God, at the very end of the presentation, the director of a certain department came forward and congratulated us for the good presentation. She said that we, even though we are still very new, took the guts and presented well. And man, I really felt good about it! :).
Alright, minus the part that my legs were really trembling like mad behind the stand, but all in all I was still quite pleased with my own performance (though I know I could do better). I sound odd in the mic la :S.
And yes, girls, we all did well!! Our hard work is paid off :)! Yayy!! :):):)
Oh, did I mention, I was down with a bad tummyache after the whole presentation. I wonder was it due to the fact that I actually forgot to go for break for the entire shift, or was it a PTSD (drama la! :D).
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I can't say, "life is short" as both are people who lived a long ripe life. But I have to say, life can be so fragile. One moment I still see her sitting on the chair, next moment.....
Things always happen when you least expected them to, isn't it?
Sighs. God bless both of them. I said a short prayer for them when I left. Both families are prepared, but still, sudden. May all things be okay for them..
Alright, on a lighter note, my big presentation is on Wednesday, whereby all the bigbig shots and the who's whos will sit in. I'm NOT really prepared, but what to do right? :S. Haha. I'm only thankful its not an individual presentation.
So at 2am, I'm up to finish up the final touches of my presentation and do my "script" on handheld cards for that day. Pls pray for me!!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Appreciated (:
BUT something put a smile on my face :)
THIS! :)

Well, this colleague is leaving for another place, so he bought some of these chocs and gave it to some of us. I was pretty surprised when I received it from my senior (I think he gave them out ytd but I was having my day off.). It was uncalled for, but it's certainly a pleasant surprise :).
Yes, it may be a small gift (but I think it's rather costly considering its ROYCE CHOCOLATE!! Mmmm!! :D), but its really the thought that counts. It just makes me feel very appreciated! :)
Alright, its not the first choc I receive for the week. Our dear friend B who came for internship gave me chocs on his last day too. BUT, what makes Alvin special was because I receive it on a Sunday. HAHAH. B, sorry ar, wrong day :D. But I appreciate your choc la ;). I'm savouring them one by one okay! Haha :D
Pretty pleasant for a WORKING Sunday afternoon, isn't it :).
Such little acts of appreciation can really bring joy to working, like really! :)
Have you been appreciating people around you lately? Time to start doing so! :).
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Looking back..
For some reason, I don't feel like sleeping. Felt this emptiness, had this urge to read my previous entries from my previous blog.
As I was reading, I felt so blessed.
Those who know me would have read my previous blog before, and know the kind of things that I went through for the past 4 months ever since I transitted to this new career.
I was reading, and realised how much I've grown. I'm not the same, O childish Cincinnati anymore, I've since grew up as a result of all these, no matter how bad they are.
And I realised, I'm able to cope so much better at work now. Previously I took it so hard whenever my supervisors scolds me. I often break down and cry many times after listening to those scoldings. I still remembered myself being so miserable after a comment made, and I cried while eating my dinner. For that 30mins while I was on break, I was sobbing.
But now, no longer am I that weak girl. I've emerged stronger from all the things I've went through :). I still cry when I'm hurt, but I've learnt how to wipe off those tears and move on.
The best part of them all, you'll love this :).
God was with me through EVERY SINGLE bad day that I went through :).
As I read, I saw so many ocassions whereby I'll hear the voice of God encouraging me, verses of encouragements or simply a loving touch from God. How awesome, isn't it?
"Whom have I in heaven but You?
And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You.
My flesh and my heart fail;
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. "
Psalm 73:25-26
I felt so blessed to know that God has always been there, shaping and moulding me to be a better person through these trials. There was a short period of time when I was really bitter, really cynical with life. I never wanted to trust anyone anymore. He showed me,
"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
Psalm 34:17
There was a time when my dad got himself into some bad debts and my house was at risk of being auctioned (as he may have to declare bankruptcy), yet he was doing nothing about it. I remembered myself being very angry and bitter with him. I felt that my dad is leaving all the junk to us and he himself being very happy and still out drinking. Yet the reassuring voice of the Lord said, "I know how it feels to be forsaken by your own father", and was immediately led to the scene at Calvary.
There were times when I felt that I've lost myself in work. I became so bitter with everyone that I simply drown myself in work so that I can get everything done properly and prevent scoldings. I didn't felt like doing anything else, didn't felt like going anywhere. My fire died down, I became another person. But God reminded me of the verse that led me to nursing,
"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:14-16
At every point, God was there, picking me up when I fall, lifting me up when I was down. I'm just thankful that I could be at where I am now.
2 months more and probation will be over (hopefully). It was only 4 months and I've been through so much, emotionally, mentally and spiritually (talk about transition phase man!), I'm sure there's more to learn. I'm only glad that these 4 months, I have Daddy God with me all the time. When people are hard to trust, God remains faithful. :)
" but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31
May this marks the start of a greater, stronger, joyful and better Cincinnati :). Glory to glory, amen? :)
Red Bull Drink Seen to Increase Stroke Risk

The caffeine-loaded beverage, popular with university students and adrenaline sport fans to give them "wings", increased blood viscosity.
Scott Willoughby and colleagues tested the cardiovascular systems of 30 young adults one hour before and one hour after consuming one 250-ml can of sugar-free Red Bull.
The results showed "normal people develop symptoms normally associated with cardiovascular disease" after consuming the drink, created in the 1980s by Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz based on a similar Thai energy drink.
"One hour after they drank Red Bull, (their blood systems) were no longer normal. They were abnormal like we would expect in a patient with cardiovascular disease," Willoughby, lead researcher from the Cardiovascular Research Centre at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, told the Australian newspaper."
"But Willoughby said Red Bull could be deadly when combined with stress or high blood pressure, impairing proper blood vessel function and possibly lifting the risk of blood clotting.
"If you have any predisposition to cardiovascular disease, I'd think twice about drinking it," he said ."
Read full article from
Then I suddenly wonder, am I predisposing my dad to AMI or stroke, since whenever he goes hypo, we'll feed him with redbull (he likes it, plus its reaally sweet and when he goes hypo, he goes REALLY hypo. Like 2.0-3.0.)
Goodness. Now I'll really think twice about drinking red bull. :S.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Inflexible people!! >_<
Today I was settling some stuffs and I was calling my client's advocate. WAHHH. She was SOOOO inflexible?! Every "nononononono, cannot!!!" (and she repeated it for like 10 times!!) that she said, I felt myself burning. I was super angry and fuming mad can. It was really a waste of time which can be prevented if not for miscommunication. And, since it was miscommunication on our part, can't u be a little more flexible? Cut the "NONONONONO CANNOT!!" laaa..
Best part, she actually have the audacity to ask my client's family to pay. Finally I shot her back at how unfair it is if my client's family has to pay for a mistake that is not even his fault, she finally kept quiet.
The funny thing was, we were like silent on the phone for like 10 seconds. Machiam drama.
She finally (FINALLY!) decided to speak to her supervisor, and they PAID. Hurhur.
But anw, after the whole thing was settled, I started having some bad chest tightness. Man, it was so uncomfortable. It was super super tight, and I could feel some palpitations. I wasn't having any breathing difficulties, though, but my chest was really tight for about 10mins.
I'm just thankful I'm still alive, blogging about what happened. (HAHA. I'm feeling more and more wayang man :D!)
I think I stress myself out too much at the slightest things sometimes.
I'm such a type A personality person, and someday I may just collapse in my workplace. Grr.
EVERYONE, please learn ur CPR ar. Hahah :D. You may be my "benefactor" in future :D. Keke.
Time for a break. Gotta rest my sore legs :)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
BREAST friend outing :)
I had to return to my workplace to hand in some documents (read: Love-hate relationship). AND, E2, being on leave, will only be back at 3.30pm for the department meeting. i.e. I have to sit in for the department meeting, and hand in those documents after that.
So I guai guai sat in for departmental meeting, got scolded cuz both Es felt I was playful and disruptive (I was just offering tissue what...), then handed in my documents, and left only at 5.20pm.
Like what B said, I should have just clocked today as a work day and took an extra day off. Grr :(
Ate the famous-but-not-so-fantastic white lor mee, walked to Bugis and had NYDC for dessert, walked around Bugis street looking for random clothes, bags, shades and
eventually, I came home with a big bag of seaweed. Hurhur.
Didn't take many photos, but BREASTFRIEND requested not to have her face appearing, so she edited the pic and censored her face. Grrr..
Introducing, my BREASTFRIEND!!! :):):)
Er, ignore those spects on me. I was forced to wear them. :S.
Such great catching up session. I really enjoyed myself. Though we were walking around looking for clothes, but the catch up session was really awesome. Breastfriend 就是 breastfriend. So long nv meet, we still have got never-ending things to talk about. Hehe :)
Must meet up more hor! :D
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Why hide?
I suddenly realise, why I am hiding my identity in this blog? HAHA. There seem to be no point, since this is fresh new beginning for myself :).
Wells. In time to come, I'll put up more photos of myself la :).
Like now, especially after I've gotten my new spects ;)!
Matching right! :D. My tofu!! Girls, remember ur birthday present for me?? :D Hehe.
Our new spects ;)
However, anything related to work will still be kept as discreet as possible, for fear of similar things happening.
Finally finished looking through my book review. Gonna be presenting it like next week?? I kinda just realise how near it is :S. Brrr.
Praying for wisdom, especially when I have to present this to the CEO of my company. I better not get stage fright.
Daddy, help me!! :S
I don't know what I'm feeling now.
Feeling rather upset over a pack of items left by my doorstep.
Feeling rather empty on a cold night.
Feeling rather regretful and doubtful if I did the right thing.
Feeling rather angry and disappointed at the reaction.
Feeling unsure about everything.
I long for a definite answer. God, where art thou?