Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen...."


Best part: CEO didn't turn up. Hehe :D.

The who's whos were still around, but at least the CEO wasn't there to bombard us with a whole load of questions.

So without the CEO, there was like only 2 questions! And a very nice, encouraging comment :)

Honestly speaking, my legs were trembling when I speak though I sounded machiam I'm very well prepared. My gosh. The crowd was much bigger than I expected, but really thanks to the girls who came down to show their support. I was looking at them throughout my whole presentation can. Just for "visual" support :D.

Thank God, at the very end of the presentation, the director of a certain department came forward and congratulated us for the good presentation. She said that we, even though we are still very new, took the guts and presented well. And man, I really felt good about it! :).

Alright, minus the part that my legs were really trembling like mad behind the stand, but all in all I was still quite pleased with my own performance (though I know I could do better). I sound odd in the mic la :S.

And yes, girls, we all did well!! Our hard work is paid off :)! Yayy!! :):):)

Oh, did I mention, I was down with a bad tummyache after the whole presentation. I wonder was it due to the fact that I actually forgot to go for break for the entire shift, or was it a PTSD (drama la! :D).

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