Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I was finally given my appraisal yesterday :).

Actually I was called into supervisors' room. I thought I'll get scolded as something bad happened the night before. Thank God it was just my appraisal.

And after my appraisal, I've decided, I MUST CUT DOWN ON MY SINGLISH!! >_<..!

The minus point of staying in Singapore, you tend to la, leh, lor, hor etc alot.

I should have learnt from BREASTFRIEND long ago to cut down. Now I must wait for a C grade appraisal before I decide. Like a bit late la. (Oh crap! I just la-ed!)

So, I permit everyone of you to give me a tight slap (please be gentle..) if you hear me using any of those. I gotta cut down! At least cut down enough that people will not comment to my supervisor that I'm not professional. Sighs.

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