Suddenly I remember, oh ya, audit is coming. Lemme just be a good girl and read through the updates, at least when I return to work, I can answer questions when my supervisor ask me.
I was still in the happy dreamland of mine, until I stretch out and got my hands on my roster, and man. I've never felt so horrified before.
After 2 weeks of leave, my first day of work will be AUDIT DAY.
And I'm scheduled to work a PM shift, and the auditors are coming in the AFTERNOON.
Hur. Hur hur.
I don't know how I'm gonna die.
I stared hard at that thick stack of notes, policies, updates and random nonsense that was left unread since the start of my AL, I've never felt as exasperated before in my entire life.
Today I caught up with the dearest poly girlfriend of mine, WC (:D) at Suki Sushi. Enjoyed a scrumptious (is there such a word? But this word looks yummy to me) sushi buffet, and window shopped for my D&D dress. Had lots of fun, laughter and everything nice just by meeting her up. Held her hands and walked around just like how we did during poly days. Man, I really miss school days man :(.
After we parted, I attempted to avoid the reality, but this devilish voice went, "AUDIT is coming. AUDIT is coming. AUDIT is coming..." and I have no choice but to whipppp out the thick stack of notes that I psycho-ed myself to bring out, and studied studiously in the train like some nerd. AHHH!
I better be able to answer all the questions. How about, audit better hurry end, so that this nightmare can end too!
*Clasps hands together*
Lord, I pray that the auditors will...
- Step on a banana skin and fall.
- Ate something wrong and get gastroenteritis.
- Met with some car accident and have to settle all the nonsense so can't come.
- Got up from the wrong side of bed and get a bad neck.
- Met Doraemon on the way and somehow disappear into Jurassic times.
- Accidentally made their way to the wrong workplace.
- Accidentally drive into the bermuda triangle.
- Saw great singapore sale selling LV/prada for 10bucks and decide to shop instead!
- Met fairy godmother and turn them into a mouse.
- Decide that "its enough!" and tender resignation.
- or.. or...
God, forgive me for being evil :(.
ARGH! See, its driving me CRAZY!! >_<..!!
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