Firstly, its been quite an occupied week. I went out again ytd!
Went to watch Mama Mia with Yan and chicKEN (:D). It was SOOO awesome! Not only was the company awesome, the show is WONDERFUL!!! I've always loved watching musical movies (if there's such a genre)! And this is simply great. I love the songs, love the dance, love the humour, love the story, love everything!!
The only glitch was that towards the end of the show the projector or whatever that is screwed up, and it ended abruptly. After some jeering, it came back again. But the show was too captivating that nobody bothered about the glitch anymore. Haha :D
Rushed to Clarke Quay, caught up with "Jack" again ytd, and this time she brought along 2 other friends, and we went to visit The Clinic at Clarke Quay, after hearing so much about it :)
We ordered the signature drinks, namely Nurses' X party and Sex on a drip. Just a mixture of vodka and some random fruit concoctions.
Nurses' X party. Served in 6 syringes in a bucket of ice, like this:
Yepps. Felt pretty cheated cuz they only filled 30mls of the 50mls syringe. Argh. Should fill it to the max!
Sex on a drip. Looks quite mucky in green but its actually a very sweet drink. Haha.
And I was quite horrified to see that its serve in a REAL drip set. I was expecting some special drip set that is specially made for the pub for drinking purpose (Think camelbak). But anw, was quite an experience.
That 2 drinks cost us a whooooping $107.00 (50bucks per drink, plus GST). But for the ambience and the fun of it, its, er, worth it (I suppose). But once is enough. And next time I'll be smarter to order something cheaper, like beer.
Alright, busy-ness part 2. Here goes.
Ytd I was talking to LBB, and he totally irked me to the core (sorry LBB, didn't tell u that :D. But u got me thinking!!) by his "I don't like to keep rushing.." thing. I was quite irritated by it actually, cuz I thought he was prolly going through some prematured mid-life crisis...
But anw, funnily, after the convo with him ytd, today was a day that I rushed like mad. I went to my workplace to settle some documents, then went home, and rushed to swim before it rained, and rushed my swimming session as I'm supposed to meet Mantoonmee at PS for dinner, then rushed to shower, rushed to MRT station, rushed to PS.....
So I was walking at TOP speed at Dhoby Ghaut MRT station, I just went, ARGH. I really hate to rush. Then I thought back to LBB's I-don't-like-to-rush thingy, and then I felt God saying, "Isn't this what makes ur life exciting?" (God is quite cool eh? :D)
I looked back in life, I realised truly, I've been rushing all my life doing things. Alright, I admit there're just times when I wished that I don't have to rush. But then again, the fact that I have to rush actually do mean that I have things to do. I'm occupied. And I'm definitely making the best out of the little time that God has placed in my hands.
So on the escalator, I suddenly felt this joy and contentment. Yes, rushing can be such a chore sometimes. It sends all the adrenaline pumping, u start having palpitations, flushing and all the sympathetic responses. (Alright, I'm kinda exaggerating.) But looking at it in another point of view, I shall learn to see this as a blessing because God has given me friends, work, church, and a whole lot of worthwhile things to rush for. (Even if it means rushing to meet my supervisor to get a scolding, still, it goes to show, er, my supervisor cares enough to scold me! HAHA :D)
Food for thought eh? :) At least for me, it is!
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