Monday, October 6, 2008

Eventful week.

Its been yet, another long and eventful week..

I don't wish to input too much, its too personal. More can be read from my private blog, which, is not opened to anyone (yet), as of now. Haha.

In a nutshell, basically the eventful things are from:
  1. Work.
  2. Relationship which turned sour. (sighs)
  3. Cg.
  4. Friends' problems (which I'm glad to be of help :))
  5. Layy being away throughout my whole AL :(. Sighs. And I only realised when she left!! Sobs.
Of course, I won't rule out the fun things that happened, like:

  1. AL! :) Its AFS man!
  2. Outing with my "Jack" (its a she, btw. She's happily attached anw! :D)
  3. Many outings with Mantoonmee, and having alot of fun :):)
  4. A more bonded cg tt's more concerned with friends. Amen :).
  5. Encouragements from God!
  6. Outing with the pastamania gang (Photos to be up when I get it from Jo :))
  7. Ogling at my soon-to-get Kohjinsha laptop. Hehe :)

Yepps, eventful week I had. Have been stressed out by work, as usual. Hope I'll have a good break. May be outta town for a while, so don't be alarmed if u can't reach me :).

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