"This fragrant ointment is typically used to treat sore muscles. In a randomized trial of adult headache sufferers, applying the ointment to neck muscles helped relieve headache more effectively than placebo ointment; it worked about as well as acetaminophen to relieve tension headache pain. It is very safe but should not be used in or near the eyes (it stings). "
Not bad, our Tiger Balm made its way to the Western countries and is recommended! :D Maybe can really try applying Tiger Balm on our necks when we have headaches eh?
Guided Imagery and Self-hypnosis.
"Learning self-hypnosis or guided imagery relaxation skills is very effective in preventing migraine headaches. In fact, one study suggested that hypnosis is more effective than taking beta-blocking medications in preventing migraine headaches. Healthcare providers can learn to provide hypnosis training themselves through workshops sponsored by the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis or the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. Clinicians may also refer patients to psychologists, social workers, or other health professionals skilled in teaching these techniques. "
"Learning self-hypnosis or guided imagery relaxation skills is very effective in preventing migraine headaches. In fact, one study suggested that hypnosis is more effective than taking beta-blocking medications in preventing migraine headaches. Healthcare providers can learn to provide hypnosis training themselves through workshops sponsored by the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis or the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. Clinicians may also refer patients to psychologists, social workers, or other health professionals skilled in teaching these techniques. "
I wonder if I can call this "self-delusion" Brings me to the next treatment intervention recommended:
Autogenic Training.
"Autogenic training is a self-hypnosis technique developed by the German psychiatrist Johannes Schultz in 1932. The training consists of learning to repeat a set series of phrases such as: "My arms and hands are heavy and warm; my legs are heavy and warm; my heartbeat is calm and regular; my forehead is cool; my breathing is easy." Typically, each phrase is slowly repeated 3 times before going to the next phrase. Deceptively simple, this practice has proven effective in reducing the frequency and severity of migraine headaches. Ancillary benefits include improvements in mood, cognitive function, and quality of life. "
Autogenic Training.
"Autogenic training is a self-hypnosis technique developed by the German psychiatrist Johannes Schultz in 1932. The training consists of learning to repeat a set series of phrases such as: "My arms and hands are heavy and warm; my legs are heavy and warm; my heartbeat is calm and regular; my forehead is cool; my breathing is easy." Typically, each phrase is slowly repeated 3 times before going to the next phrase. Deceptively simple, this practice has proven effective in reducing the frequency and severity of migraine headaches. Ancillary benefits include improvements in mood, cognitive function, and quality of life. "
This is super funny can!!! :D Goodness.
Interesting :D. If you tried any of these and it works, pls tell me :D
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