Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Busy busy week (:
Anw good news is, audit is OVER, and I wasn't audited. PTL! :). It was supposed to be auditing MY case, but eventually the auditors asked for yet another case to be audited, so my colleague went. But whatever it is, we passed the audit! Really thank God la, been praying hard for us to pass. If not our hard work all go down the drain man!
So post audit was...
1. Cell group :)
2. D&D :)
3. Post D&D partying! Woohoo! Rocks!
4. Church for svc after D&D and post D&D party. But svc was awesome enough to keep me awake!
5. Start of a sleepy night shift, chasing all the monkeys up and down. Aye.
Doesn't really looked busy, but I was really occupied :D. But I love to spend my time with things to do. I believe we have only one life to live, I nv really liked the idea of staying at home for too long :).
But of cuz, that left me rather physically drained, esp on Sun. But I love this:
"Whom have I in heaven but You?
And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You.
My flesh and my heart fail;
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
Psalm 73:25-26
Jiayou Cincinnati! 3 more nights to go! (And one more round of 4 night shifts 1 week later. Grrr.) God is the strength! :)
On a lighter note, Asia conference is coming!!! :)
So exciting! Whee :)
(You know, I really dunno what I'm blogging anymore. Post night-shift "hangover". Haha =x)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Coffee Drinking May Help Protect Against Type 2 Diabetes
"Increasing coffee intake was inversely associated with risk of type 2 diabetes in populations of European descent; however, data from high-risk Asian populations are lacking as are data on tea intake in general," write Andrew O. Odegaard, from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, and colleagues. "We investigated the prospective associations between intakes of coffee, black tea, and green tea with the risk of type 2 diabetes in Singaporean Chinese men and women."
The study cohort, from the Singapore Chinese Health Study, consisted of 36,908 men and women aged 45 to 74 years between 1993 and 1998, who underwent evaluation of multiple diet and lifestyle measures and who were then followed up between 1999 and 2004. To examine the association of baseline coffee and tea intakes with incident type 2 diabetes during follow-up, the investigators used Cox regression models, with adjustment for several possible confounding or mediating variables.
Compared with participants who reported not drinking coffee daily, those who reported drinking 4 or more cups of coffee daily had a 30% reduction in the risk for diabetes (relative risk [RR], 0.70; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.53 - 0.93). Compared with participants who reported not drinking black tea daily, those who reported drinking 1 or more cups of black tea daily had a suggestive 14% reduction in the risk for diabetes (RR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.74 - 1.00). There was no apparent association with green tea.
"Regular consumption of coffee and potentially black tea, but not green tea, is associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes in Asian men and women in Singapore," the study authors write.
Limitations of this study include potential misclassification of the exposures because of poor self-report, biases, and other errors; possible residual confounding; and results for black and green tea consumption applying only to a smaller range of intake vs coffee.
"The associations we observed are noteworthy because they provide evidence that the coffee findings in other prospective cohort studies are not likely artifacts of the reported dietary patterns, nor are they likely to be explained by residual confounding," the study authors conclude. "Given the high consumption of coffee and tea worldwide and the growing type 2 diabetes epidemic, especially in Asia, these findings convey a potential high significance for public health. However, it is too early to recommend increasing coffee and tea consumption until there is more thorough data from clinical trials related to the topic, with respect to not only the possible benefits but possible side effects or harm as well."
The National Cancer Institute supported this study. The study authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Source from: Medscape Medical News, "Coffee Drinking May Help Protect Against Type 2 Diabetes", Oct 9, 2008
Comment #1: As opposed to a blog entry posted in my old blog about an article I read about in Emedicine.com of this case study whereby this man had an AF due to overcomsumption of coffee (and other factors), this is really pretty interesting and quite shocking to me, in fact. I've cut down on my coffee intake as a result of the previous article (from about 3-4 daily to now 1-2 daily). Best part, 1-4 cups! 4 cups is alot!
Anw the case study I read about was on a Caucasian, so maybe that marks the difference?
Comment #2: I thought green tea will be THAT factor that will reduce the risk of DM more directly. Interestingly, it's the complete opposite!
Comment #3: This is from a rather reliable source, and the research was done on SINGAPOREANS. So, it should work? *raises eyebrows*
Comment #4: I'm rather interested to know the effect coffee has on the pancreas or any part of the body that led to its reduced risk for DM. Quite cool huh?
I think I just gave Yvonne more reason to drink coffee. Aye!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Have been feeling this burden, this big fat stress that's weighing me down. This weight that's crushing my hopes, my dreams, my joy and everything nice.
I've been totally stressed out by all that's happening in my workplace and all. Seriously, even on leave, I'm receiving emails upon emails about the changes that are happening in my workplace DAILY. I can't believe how much my workplace has changed just over the span of mere 2 weeks.
The fact is that Monday I'll have to return to this workplace of mine with a brand new routine to start with, and many new things that has changed over the 2 weeks.
Returned to my workplace on Wed to be horrified by how everyone is rushing to get things done cuz of the change of routine. Something that was usually being done at 1pm is now being done at 3pm. Its 2 hours late! Everyone is trying to catch up.
So on Monday, I have to deal with the new routine, PLUS the audit. And this week, I still have to read up on all the policies that has been changing again and again. Can u imagine, 1 policy can have like 3 changes in 2 weeks alone -_- And I was totally unaware. I hate the feeling of not being in control.
Met up with LBB on Thurs, am totally glad that at least we have ONE person who can understand what we're going through. Really need more of such sympathetic people around. I think we'll have a better working life..
I feel, unless u come to take a look at how we work, you will never understand how much we go through, cuz to everyone, my occupation is so menial. But if you really work in MY workplace, you will understand why we're making a big fuss. Its not just dealing with clients and their family, but its dealing with the SUPERVISORS and the top top TOP people :(.
Yes, you can say in every job its like that. But ever been in such a state whereby everyday you have to stay back, but you don't have the right to ask for OT pay. Even paying back of hours, no, no rights. You do things that are not within your job description, YET you still have to do, cuz the supervisor says so. Before confirmation, probation was constantly used as a threat to make us work. After confirmation, counselling and appraisals were constantly used as threats to make us work. Every single day so long as supervisors are on duty, you get to drink some verbal coffee in her office. Morale? Since when this thing ever exist in my occupation?
As if work stress is not enough, I still have to deal with my boys who are having O levels, and the numbers that never seem to be growing. Plus upcoming outreach events, planning for more more MORE.
I really can't cope anymore. And I'm ON LEAVE. I can't imagine when I start work. I think at this rate I move on, I'll be choked by all these stressors soon.
Heard of "chronic fatigue symptom"?
Today during cg, Estelle shared about Joshua and how God always encourages him to be strong and courageous. I felt blessed by the word, really. But I'm not sure how long more can I be strong and courageous. Battery flat alr la :(
God, help me to fight the good fight of faith!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Suddenly I remember, oh ya, audit is coming. Lemme just be a good girl and read through the updates, at least when I return to work, I can answer questions when my supervisor ask me.
I was still in the happy dreamland of mine, until I stretch out and got my hands on my roster, and man. I've never felt so horrified before.
After 2 weeks of leave, my first day of work will be AUDIT DAY.
And I'm scheduled to work a PM shift, and the auditors are coming in the AFTERNOON.
Hur. Hur hur.
I don't know how I'm gonna die.
I stared hard at that thick stack of notes, policies, updates and random nonsense that was left unread since the start of my AL, I've never felt as exasperated before in my entire life.
Today I caught up with the dearest poly girlfriend of mine, WC (:D) at Suki Sushi. Enjoyed a scrumptious (is there such a word? But this word looks yummy to me) sushi buffet, and window shopped for my D&D dress. Had lots of fun, laughter and everything nice just by meeting her up. Held her hands and walked around just like how we did during poly days. Man, I really miss school days man :(.
After we parted, I attempted to avoid the reality, but this devilish voice went, "AUDIT is coming. AUDIT is coming. AUDIT is coming..." and I have no choice but to whipppp out the thick stack of notes that I psycho-ed myself to bring out, and studied studiously in the train like some nerd. AHHH!
I better be able to answer all the questions. How about, audit better hurry end, so that this nightmare can end too!
*Clasps hands together*
Lord, I pray that the auditors will...
- Step on a banana skin and fall.
- Ate something wrong and get gastroenteritis.
- Met with some car accident and have to settle all the nonsense so can't come.
- Got up from the wrong side of bed and get a bad neck.
- Met Doraemon on the way and somehow disappear into Jurassic times.
- Accidentally made their way to the wrong workplace.
- Accidentally drive into the bermuda triangle.
- Saw great singapore sale selling LV/prada for 10bucks and decide to shop instead!
- Met fairy godmother and turn them into a mouse.
- Decide that "its enough!" and tender resignation.
- or.. or...
God, forgive me for being evil :(.
ARGH! See, its driving me CRAZY!! >_<..!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Count your blessings :)
When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost;
Count your many blessings - name them one by one.
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.
Nice :).
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Busy-ness of life.
Firstly, its been quite an occupied week. I went out again ytd!
Went to watch Mama Mia with Yan and chicKEN (:D). It was SOOO awesome! Not only was the company awesome, the show is WONDERFUL!!! I've always loved watching musical movies (if there's such a genre)! And this is simply great. I love the songs, love the dance, love the humour, love the story, love everything!!
The only glitch was that towards the end of the show the projector or whatever that is screwed up, and it ended abruptly. After some jeering, it came back again. But the show was too captivating that nobody bothered about the glitch anymore. Haha :D
Rushed to Clarke Quay, caught up with "Jack" again ytd, and this time she brought along 2 other friends, and we went to visit The Clinic at Clarke Quay, after hearing so much about it :)
We ordered the signature drinks, namely Nurses' X party and Sex on a drip. Just a mixture of vodka and some random fruit concoctions.
Nurses' X party. Served in 6 syringes in a bucket of ice, like this:
Yepps. Felt pretty cheated cuz they only filled 30mls of the 50mls syringe. Argh. Should fill it to the max!
Sex on a drip. Looks quite mucky in green but its actually a very sweet drink. Haha.
And I was quite horrified to see that its serve in a REAL drip set. I was expecting some special drip set that is specially made for the pub for drinking purpose (Think camelbak). But anw, was quite an experience.
That 2 drinks cost us a whooooping $107.00 (50bucks per drink, plus GST). But for the ambience and the fun of it, its, er, worth it (I suppose). But once is enough. And next time I'll be smarter to order something cheaper, like beer.
Alright, busy-ness part 2. Here goes.
Ytd I was talking to LBB, and he totally irked me to the core (sorry LBB, didn't tell u that :D. But u got me thinking!!) by his "I don't like to keep rushing.." thing. I was quite irritated by it actually, cuz I thought he was prolly going through some prematured mid-life crisis...
But anw, funnily, after the convo with him ytd, today was a day that I rushed like mad. I went to my workplace to settle some documents, then went home, and rushed to swim before it rained, and rushed my swimming session as I'm supposed to meet Mantoonmee at PS for dinner, then rushed to shower, rushed to MRT station, rushed to PS.....
So I was walking at TOP speed at Dhoby Ghaut MRT station, I just went, ARGH. I really hate to rush. Then I thought back to LBB's I-don't-like-to-rush thingy, and then I felt God saying, "Isn't this what makes ur life exciting?" (God is quite cool eh? :D)
I looked back in life, I realised truly, I've been rushing all my life doing things. Alright, I admit there're just times when I wished that I don't have to rush. But then again, the fact that I have to rush actually do mean that I have things to do. I'm occupied. And I'm definitely making the best out of the little time that God has placed in my hands.
So on the escalator, I suddenly felt this joy and contentment. Yes, rushing can be such a chore sometimes. It sends all the adrenaline pumping, u start having palpitations, flushing and all the sympathetic responses. (Alright, I'm kinda exaggerating.) But looking at it in another point of view, I shall learn to see this as a blessing because God has given me friends, work, church, and a whole lot of worthwhile things to rush for. (Even if it means rushing to meet my supervisor to get a scolding, still, it goes to show, er, my supervisor cares enough to scold me! HAHA :D)
Food for thought eh? :) At least for me, it is!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Gift of God :)
Ecclesiastes 5:19 (NKJV)
"And it is a good thing to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life—this is indeed a gift from God. "
Ecclesiastes 5:19 (NLT)
Lets receive from God!! :)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Eventful week.
I don't wish to input too much, its too personal. More can be read from my private blog, which, is not opened to anyone (yet), as of now. Haha.
In a nutshell, basically the eventful things are from:
- Work.
- Relationship which turned sour. (sighs)
- Cg.
- Friends' problems (which I'm glad to be of help :))
- Layy being away throughout my whole AL :(. Sighs. And I only realised when she left!! Sobs.
- AL! :) Its AFS man!
- Outing with my "Jack" (its a she, btw. She's happily attached anw! :D)
- Many outings with Mantoonmee, and having alot of fun :):)
- A more bonded cg tt's more concerned with friends. Amen :).
- Encouragements from God!
- Outing with the pastamania gang (Photos to be up when I get it from Jo :))
- Ogling at my soon-to-get Kohjinsha laptop. Hehe :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Philippians 4:6-7
Philppians 4:6-7 (NKJV)
Christians, found this verse familiar? This is a verse that accompanied me through many examinations and many wind wind rain rain (风风雨雨) :D. I literally grew up with this verse, after John 3:16 :)
I was thinking of a verse to bless this special group of people in my life (cannot say which group! Or else my intended "surprise" is gone!) Its been bugging my mind for the past few weeks already. I've got the gift, just need the verse!
So today I typed "Peace of mind" in Biblegateway.com, and I was led to verse 7. I read and I was like, okay. Familiar verse. So I keyed in "The Message" bible version, and this came out:
"Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."
Philippians 4:6-7 (The Message)
I was like, WOW! This is such a familiar verse to us all, but look at the way its being rephrased in the Message bible :)
I felt peaceful already, just by reading that. Hehe :)
God is awesome. My God IS very very awesome! Amen :).
If God is a human, I'll jump on Him and give Him a tight squeeze now :).