Sunday, May 24, 2009


Wow, its been one month since I last blogged here! :S

Sorry for the lack of updates! I'm still alive, really! Life hasn't been exactly awesome for the past one month as I struggled with tiring rosters, preceptee who doesn't seem to understand anything I say and of cuz, the stress at work which is a constant.

The only thing I thank God alot for is an OH who supports, loves and is always there for me :). Thanks dear... <3

I was just talking to him yesterday, after a relaxing camping trip at Changi Beach (superb place! Better than ECP!!), looking back at my life I feel a little sad that I have to face the harshness of working world at such a young age.

I believe all the poly graduates will understand what I mean.

Upon graduation, we're only mere nineteen-year-old fresh graduates. If you have nice colleagues, they will "sayang sayang" you for being a xiao mei mei/di di (little girl/boy). But if u are in a working environment that is full of politics, people will just tekan you because you're young.

But I'm thankful I have nice colleagues, won't deny the fact that there are bad ones too, but still, I'm thankful for surviving. I do wish I had more time in school and that I will be able to enjoy more of those student days. Seriously, there are days when I hated work so much, I just wish I have the money to pay the bond and tender in my resignation. But well, also thank God for the bond, that I'm still here, learning how to survive in the workplace earlier than all my peers in university.

I guess this is life. Its just that I have to face it younger.

SIM sent me a brochure on degree courses at SIM Global. I was seriously contemplating to join the part time degree course (over 2 years). But sister asked, "are u coping at work anot first?" That struck me. I'm not.

I just hope all these will go away as I continue to learn how to cope, how to handle all the difficult situations that will face me in time to come. Keep me in prayers :)