Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiring, tiring..

I was actually typing an entry on chronic fatigue. In the midst of typing it, it just suddenly occur to me that I should see if i've already done a similar entry. True enough, just 2 entries ago, I wrote on "fatigue".

Are we really so tired? Hahaha.

I think Singaporeans (maybe other countries) share a common "language". We're constantly tired, very exhausted due to the fast pace of life and high levels of stress. I don't see anyone who's NOT tired in Singapore. For some reason, everyone seem to be constantly tired.

- From studying late night (or just studying alone is mentally draining!)
- From doing assignments
- From staring at undone assignments (sighs)
- From working late night (or simply working is tiring!)
- From having nothing to do at work
- From doing housework
- From a long day of fun outing with friends
- From walking too fast
- From eating too much
- From not eating enough (hungry)
- Weather too hot
- Weather too cold
- From shopping too hard
- From insufficient shopping
- From researching information on the internet
- From googling too much
- From youtubing late at night
- From facebooking late at night
- From blogging late at night (like yours truly)
- From insufficient sleep
- From too MUCH sleep (ironic!)
- ... ... ...

This list will never end. For SOME reason, we're always tired!

Ok now I am tired, so I shall go and sleep. But for some reason, I believe soon, I may be blogging about fatigue again. Hahaha :D

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